Newest features and improvements to our platform.

Keep up to date with all of our newest releases.

Feature Improvement: One Click Unsubscribe Link in Emails
Released: June 03, 2024

Attendees will now have access to a one click unsubscribe link within any email communications sent from your EventMobi products. This important update ensures compliance with Google's and Yahoo's bulk sender policy and will help to protect your domain's reputation and email deliverability. 

This update will impact the following types of email communications related to your event: 

  • Event Emails: Any communications that are sent from the Experience Manager or Event Space (i.e. Self-Edit Emails)
  • Attendee Emails: Any communications that are sent based on attendee actions (i.e. sending an appointment request)

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 12.14.02 PM

Check out this Knowledge Base article to learn more about the email unsubscribe option.

Feature Improvement: Lead Capture App Login Improvements 
Released: April 02, 2024

The Lead Capture App will now require email and password for login - this information will follow the login credentials that you have already set for the Event App, allowing for a consistent login experience across any EventMobi App that you are using. Login can also be completed using a magic link, in the event that you have not yet set a password for your login credential on the app. 

In addition to the improvements made to our login experience, you will also notice a product walkthrough that will help in onboarding you on how to use the Lead Capture App. 

To learn more about this feature, check out this Knowledge Base article

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Feature Improvement: Companies Grid and List Views
Released: March 05, 2024

The Companies section just got a makeover, helping you to showcase your exhibitors, sponsors and partners at the event using our updated Grid and List views. 

Some of the design updates that you will notice:

  • Enhanced neatness of Company profiles in the Grid View
  • Company logos, names, and locations have fixed positions
  • Company Groups are hidden in Grid View optimize space
  • Grid View displays in 4 columns on web browsers and 2 columns on mobile devices
  • Maximum of 2 lines for company names and 1 line for locations; with truncation of text when this is exceeded
  • “Add to favorites” button relocated to prevent overlap with company logos
  • List View features centered logos, names, locations, and groups
  • List view supports a maximum of 4 company groups chips, with excess chips truncated and accessible by hover
  • Set your preferred default view from the Event Settings are of the Experience Manager

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Product Release: Activity Feed as Home Page
Released: February 14, 2024

The Activity Feed can now be assigned as the Home Page for your Event Space, helping you to create attendee engagement as soon as your attendees access the Event App.

Check out this article to learn more about Activity Feed and how you can set it as the Home Page for your Event Space.

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Product Release: Hide or Show Attendee Numbers in the Session Chat
Released: February 02, 2024 

A new Settings option has been made available to help you determine if and when your online user could will display on the session chat. This feature can be set to hide users immediately or once the online users are below a set number. 

For more information on Session Chat, check out the following Knowledge Base article

Session Chat Numbers

Product Update: App Store Section on Login Page
Released: January 26, 2024 

The Login Page of your Event Space now includes a dedicated section where you can highlight the app store links where attendees can download the EventMobi App or, if applicable, your own Branded App.  

For more information on creating your login page, check out this Knowledge Base article.

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Product Release: Bulk Upload Announcements
Released: January 25, 2024

Announcements can be created and edited in bulk using the new Import/Export option available in the Announcements area of the Experience Manager.

For more information on how to create your announcements using the new Bulk Upload feature, check out this Knowledge Base article

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Product Release: Session Featured Image 
Released: January 17, 2024

Sessions now include an Image Experience Type that can be selected for events that are looking to incorporate posters or images that share additional information and branding. 

For more information on adding a Featured Image to Sessions, check out this Knowledge Base article. 

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Product Release: Navigate to the Lead Capture App from the Event App 
Released: January 17, 2024

Lead Capture Staff will have access to a Lead Capture App link within the Attendee Dashboard menu. This link will direct users to the Apple App Store or Google Play store where the Lead Capture App can be downloaded to their device.

For more information on the Lead Capture App, check out this Knowledge Base article

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Product Release: Notifications Splash Screen
Released: January 05, 2024

A Notifications Splash Screen will display before asking attendees for push notification permission. This splash screen will help to onboard users to better understand the importance of allowing notifications so that they can receive any important updates and reminders that are sent. 

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Feature Update: Increased Notes Areas
Released: January 05, 2024

The Notes area now includes a larger modal area when accessed from desktop, and as a full page when accessed from the mobile version of your event. This update also includes an auto-save feature that will save notes as users are taking them. 

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Product Release: Bulk Upload Company Logos
Released: January 05, 2024

Company logos can be uploaded in bulk using the Manage Company Logos option in the Companies library. Using this option, up to 150 image files that are 24 mb or under in .jpeg, .jpg and .png format. Image files that are named to match the Company profile name will also auto-match to make the logo assignment a seamless experience. For more information on bulk uploading company logos, check out the following Knowledge Base article

manage company logos


Product Update: View Which Attendees Have Checked In and Out of the Event
Released: December 21, 2023

From the List area of the Check In feature of the Onsite App, you will now see the complete list of all event attendees, including if they have Checked In or Checked Out of the event. 

From the list, you will have the option to filter the profiles to display: 

  • All
  • Checked In
  • Checked Out
  • No Status

Additionally, the list will now allow you to sort according to the following: 

  • Time (Recent)
  • Time (Oldest)
  • Name (A-Z)
  • Name (Z-A)

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Product Update: Re-Order Session Roles
Released: December 19, 2023

The order that Session Roles display can now be adjusted to determine how they will appear in all of your session detail pages. 

From the Roles area of the Sessions Library, you can select the Re-Order Roles option to drag and drop the roles according to your preference. 

To learn more about re-ordering Session Roles, check out the following article on our Knowledge Base! 

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Product Update: Show People Group Name for Check-In
Released: December 19, 2023

The Check-In success screen of the Onsite App will now display the People Groups that the attendee belongs to. By default, three People Groups will be shown, with the option to view all additional People Groups by selecting the + icon available. 

To learn more about using the Onsite App for Check-In, check out the following article on our Knowledge Base!

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Product Update: Adding Google Maps to Session and Company Detail Pages
Released: December 19, 2023

Your sessions and Company profiles can be set to link to a specific Google Map, helping your attendees to find where they need to go for your sessions and activities at the event. 

Using the Map option found in the session or company details page, you can make your selection from the list of Image and Google maps available from the dropdown list available. 

To learn more about adding locations, check out the following article from our Knowledge Base. 

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Product Release: User Credit License
Released: December 08, 2023

Our new User Credit License provides more flexibility in organizing events by allowing you to create unlimited events and specify the number of User Credits that you need as an organization. This release allows you to incorporate an Event Space for events both big and small that will create momentum in engaging your attendees, forge connection and foster community across your organization.

To learn more about our new User Credit License for Unlimited Events, check out our Knowledge Base



Product Update: Realtime Updates of Session Engagement Features
Released: November 03, 2023

Our recent update to our Audience Engagement features for your sessions will help attendees to access up-to-date information in real time while participating in sessions, without having to refresh the page. 

Here are the key updates you will notice:

  • Visibility of Questions in Live Polls: A new visibility toggle will allow you to determine which live poll questions should be displayed within the session. Users that are viewing a question that has been toggle to not display will be redirected to the previous question in the poll. 
  • Turning Live Polls, Q&A and Chat On/Off in Sessions: Any changes that you make will instantly update the session page. Attendees that are viewing a live poll, Q&A or Chat feature that has been turned off will see a message indicating that the feature has been turned off. 
  • Limiting Upvotes in Questions: A maximum of 100 upvotes will be available to each question submitted to the Q&A feature. Once the limit has been reached, the Upvote button will be disabled. If multiple questions have reached the maximum, they will instead be sequenced based on the time that the limit was reached. 

To learn more about this update, check out our Knowledge Base Article!

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Product Update: Keyhole Integration for Live Display 
Released: October 20, 2023

The Live Display Social screen now integrates with Keyhole, offering your more options when it comes to displaying your social media content at the event by allowing you to incorporate Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok posts. 

This update also includes Customizable Messaging to allow you to set the text displayed at the top of the Social want. 

To learn more about Live Display, check out our Knowledge Base Article!

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Product Release: Pre-Printed Badge Orders
Released: October 19, 2023

Events of 250 people or less that are located in the U.S. can now order pre-printed badges for any badge designs that they have created. 

To learn more about Ordering Pre-Printed Badges, check out our Knowledge Base Article.

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Product improvement: Activity feed 
Released: September 29, 2023

Our Activity Feed has been revamped to further engage your participants. This release includes additional features including:

  • Adding placeholder text to the top of the feed.
  • Multiple images can be added to a post
  • Comments and reactions can be added to a post
  • Sharing the post with others via a link

To learn more about the improvements to our Activity Feed, read our Knowledge Base article.

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Feature Release: Additional Fields
Released: August 22, 2023 

Our Custom Fields feature has been transformed into Additional Fields to provide additional flexibility when sharing and collecting information within your people profiles. 

In addition to the existing text and upload fields you already have access to, you now have the ability to include the following field types:

  • Single Select: Provide a set of options from which the user can make a single selection.
  • Multiple Select: Provide a set of options from which the user can make multiple selections
  • Date: Allow the user to select a date.  

If you want to learn more about additional fields, check out this Knowledge Base article!

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Product launch: Company Portal
Released: June 30, 2023

The Company Portal provides your sponsors and exhibitors with access to edit the company profile, manage company representatives, and work with all on-site features that may be relevant to the event. 

To learn more about the Company Portal, read our articles on setting up the Company Portal as an organizer and using the Company Portal as a company admin.

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Feature Release: Improved navigation in the People section. 
Released: June 9, 2023

Users who have viewed a People profile are now returned to the exact location they were in the People section, instead of being returned to the top of the list. This ensures a smoother and more efficient experience, allowing users to effortlessly continue exploring without having to manually scroll back.

Feature Release: Default Event Timezone
Released: April 26, 2023

The default time zone for your Event Space can now be set to match the time zone you have selected for your event. 

The Settings section of Experience Manager now includes the option to "Set default time zone to event time zone", which you can use to ensure that all on-site attendees see agenda sessions in the correct time zone.

For more information about the default time zone for events, see this Knowledge Base article.

Feature Release: Search Bar in Video Sections
Released: March 31, 2023

The Video section type now includes a search bar that allows your attendees to easily find and access the content they want. This search option narrows the search content to the specific video group that the user has selected, or it can be used in the All group to search all relevant content available in the section. 

For more information on creating video sections, see our Knowledge Base article on managing your video uploads.

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Feature Release: Cookie Consent
Released: February 15, 2023

Cookie consent banners can now be enabled for the Event Space to ensure your event is GDPR compliant. Users have the ability to accept, reject cookies, or manage their settings directly from the Event Space. 

For more information on cookie consent in the event space, check out our Knowledge Base Article!