Can I Unsubscribe From Announcements And Email Communications?

When Will I Receive Announcements?

An announcement will be sent from the Event App when one the following applies:

  • You have downloaded the Event App from the app store and have push notifications enabled.
  • The organizer has sent an announcement. 
  • You have received a chat message while you are logged out of the Event App (you will receive a notification to your email).

Disabling Email Notifications

You can disable announcements, chat, and their associated email notifications from within the app. When logged into the app, click the icon in the top-right corner to open your User Dashboard, then, click Preferences to open your user settings. From here, switch the relevant toggles to the Off position.


Unsubscribe from Email Notifications

Each email notification that you receive from the event and/or from attendees will include a one click Unsubscribe link. Selecting this option will prevent any future email notifications of this nature from being sent to the user's inbox.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 12.14.02 PM

Unsubscribe does not prevent transactional emails, such as Password Resets. 






Disable Push Notifications

When you download the app, it will ask you for permission to send you push notifications. If you're not interested in receiving push notifications from the app, simply don't grant it permission to send them to you.