Where Can I Access My Event Analytics?

The Experience Manager offers you access to your event reporting directly from the Analytics area. Here you can monitor adoption rates and trends that will help you to establish your promotional strategy or calculate your return on investment. Additionally, you can adjust the date range to demonstrate trends and usage over a specific period of time. 

Using the Menu located at the top of the page you can access an overview by Dashboard as well as dedicated areas to view trends related to People, Gamification, Banners, Networking, Live Stream and Video. Each option will provide you with adoption or engagement rates, along with insights into what aspects of those features were most successful. 

Located at the top right-hand side of each section you will find an Export option that will allow you to download an Excel file with all of the data for that particular report. To adjust the timeframe that is included in the report, simply select Edit Date Range at the top of the page to select which dates you would like to include. 

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Please be aware that all reports will display the time zone in UTC and not in the event time zone.

If you are looking to efficiently convert time zones in Excel, we recommend checking out our article 'Converting Time Zones in Excel.' This resource will help you master the process of converting UTC time to the event time zone seamlessly.