Resigning Branded App (IOS).


Bake APS entitlements for Push Notifications

  1. Download the aps-entitlements-template.plist file that would be provided along with the build assets.
  2. Open it and replace {TEAM_ID} and {BUNDLE_ID} with actual values
  3. Save file as aps-entitlements.plist in the same folder as app.xcarchive
  4. Run following command in the same folder
# Run this command to find the ID that you should use as {IDENTITY}
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
# Use that identity to sign the frameworks and files
codesign -f -s "{IDENTITY}" app.xcarchive/Products/Applications/*
codesign -f -s "{IDENTITY}" --entitlements ./aps-entitlements.plist


Listed below are the options for on how to re-sign your app.

Sign via Xcode - Preferred

  1. Open the xcarchive - This should open in Xcode Archives (Window → Organizer → Archives)

  2. Click Distribute App

  3. Select App Store Connect and click Next

  4. Select Export and click Next

  5. Select your Development Team and click Next. The Development Team must be connected to your App Store account.

  6. Wait while Xcode fetches information and signing certificates for the app. This may take a few minutes.

  7. Check all of the options and click Next. If you receive errors in a later step, you can try turning off Include bitcode for iOS content, which optimizes the generated ipa and allows Apple to generate additional builds for each device architecture.

  8. Select Automatically manage signing and click Next

  9. Wait while Xcode prepares the build. This may take a few minutes.

  10. Click Export, provide a name and location, and click Export again.

  11. Open the export directory in Finder and you will see an App.ipa, and you can proceed with Uploading to the App Store.

Sign via iReSign

We can use a tool called iReSign to convert an xcarchive into a signed ipa. It is a much simpler process, however it isn’t as thorough or reliable as using Xcode Archives.

  1. Download and open iReSign

  2. Select the xcarchive (or a signed ipa) and your signing certificate

  3. Click ReSign!

  4. You will now have a signed ipa beside the xcarchive, and you can proceed with Uploading to the App Store

Uploading to the App Store

  1. Install Transporter from the Mac OS App Store, open it, and sign into an account that has access to your App Store Connect account

  2. Click Add App and select your signed ipa

  3.  Click Deliver and wait for it to be uploaded.