Which Registration Widget is Best for your event?


  • Standalone Form:
    • Pros: Easier visibility, direct access to form and lesser number of clicks
    • Cons: More space required
  • Button CTA to open a form:
    • Pros: Takes less space on the main screen, Reveals the form only when required, better for complex forms
    • Cons: Extra click to open a form
  • Some things to look for:
    • Ensure optimal mobile viewing experience by testing your embedded page on a smartphone. Note that using iframes might pose challenges with scrolling or visibility on mobile devices.
    • It's crucial to confirm that your website supports custom HTML, including iframes in the body. Familiarize yourself with the process of adding embeddable code to your website, considering that while most website builders support custom HTML, not all do.
      • For Squarespace users, use an Embed Block which you can learn about here.
      • For Wix users, use the HTML iframe widget (learn more)
      • For Weebly users, use their embed code element (learn more)
      • For Wordpress, you can use their custom html widget (learn more)