Managing Organizer Access and Permissions

Organizer Access Management can help your organization to establish specific responsibilities to your organizers. The roles of Admin and Collaborator will help  you to define which events each organizer should have access to within the organization, and if they will be responsible for inviting, removing and/or editing the permissions of additional organizers. 

What is the difference between the Admin and Collaborator Role?

The Admin role provides an organizer with access to all of the events within the organization, and will be able to go into the Experience Manager for each one and make changes as needed. 

Admin organizers will have access to the Action option from the Organizers list that will allow them to edit the organizer roles or to delete the organizer from the organization.

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The Collaborator role will permit access to specific events, as assigned by an Admin within an organization. These organizers will only be able to access and make changes to the events that they have been given access to. Collaborators do not have permissions to add or edit organizers within the organization. 

Permission Admin Collaborator
View Events All Selected
Access and Manage Events All Selected
View Data Usage Yes No
Access to Event Analytics Yes No
View Email Domain  Yes Yes
Add or Edit Email Domain Yes No
View Organizers List Yes Yes
Add, Delete or Edit Organizers Yes No
Assign or Edit Roles and Permissions Yes No
Access and Manage Integrations  Yes No
Access and Manage SSO Connections Yes View Only

Adding Organizers to your Organization

  • Visit the Organizers area of the organization
  • Select the Invite Organizer option available at the top left
  • Input the Organizer Email and select the Role that you would like to assign
    • Select Admin to give someone permission to access and manage all events within the organization.
    • Select Collaborator to give someone permission to access and manage specific events.
  • If you have selected Collaborator you will also need to select which events they will have access to. You can choose between All Events or Specific Events using the dropdown available - the list displayed will outline all events that exist within the Organization, and you will have the option to select multiple events when needed. Note: Collaborators that are given All Events access will have access to newly added events onward.
  • Select the Invite Email Language from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Send Invite.

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Managing Organizer Invites

Once the Send Invite option is selected, the Admin or Collaborator will be sent an email invitation that will direct them to accept the invitation and log into the Experience platform. This invitation email will expire after 14 days, and will require the organizer to resend the invite if the Admin or Collaborator have not actioned it within this timeframe.

The invitation email will also expire if the invitation was already accepted or if the invitation was revoked

Until the invitation has been accepted, the invite will display from the Pending area of the Organizers list. When needed, a new invitation can be sent from this area of the organization.

pending invites

Activating Organizer Accounts

After accepting the invitation, organizers will be asked to activate their account, including setting up a password that they will use to log into the Experience Manager. 

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Changing Organizer Access

Admins will have access to adjust organizer access as needed from the Actions column displayed in the Organizers list. To adjust the role of an organizer and/or what events they will have access to, the Admin will need to select the Edit option displayed. 

To remove an organizer from the organization entirely, and from accessing the Experience Manager of all events, the Admin will need to select the Delete option.

When the permissions of an organizer are saved, an automated email will be sent to that person to notify them of what changes have been made to their role or to their access to events. 

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