How Do I Attach Documents to Sections?

Document Library

If you want all your documents in one centralized spot, all you have to do is upload your documents to your Documents library and add a Documents section in the Event Space.

Uploading Documents
Your Documents library will contain all the documents that you upload there as well as any documents that you have attached directly to a person, company, or session. You can also put the documents in the library into Groups to help you sort and filter them.

  1. Navigate to your Documents library.
  2. Click Add Documents.

  3. Select your files or drag them into the upload box to add your documents.
  4. Click Save when you've finished uploading your documents.
  5. Click on the Groups tab and create groups by clicking Add Document Group (optional).
  6. Assign your Documents to your newly created groups by clicking on the Edit button next to your Document and selecting the group to assign it to (optional).

Note: The following document types are supported on the Event Space: Doc, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PDF, JPEG or PNG. Files must also be under 150 MB in size.

You can add several groups to one document, if applicable.

Adding a Documents Section

  1. Navigate to the Sections option under the Event Space setting in Experience Manager.
  2. Click Add Section at the top.
  3. Select Documents from the dropdown and name your new section (e.g. Document Library, Resources, Posters, etc.).

    Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 11.04.10
  4. Select whether you want to show all your documents or specific document groups in the section.
  5. Select the visibility of this section (all users or specific people group)
  6. Click Add Section at the bottom of the Sections tab.


Adding Documents to People Profiles, Companies and Sessions

After adding your documents to the document library, you can assign them to specific profiles (for attendees, speakers, companies) or sessions.

  1. Navigate to the Details tab of the People Profile, Company Profile or Session you want to attach a document to it.
  2. Scroll down to the Documents area within this Details tab and click on Add Document.

  3. Type in the first letters of the Document's name and click on the Document in the drop-down menu to add it to the list of documents.