How Can I Sync Information Using An Integration?

API Integrations allow information to sync from one platform to another by communicating with each other. Using an integration, you can send a call for information in one platform and pull that data into another. 

If you are looking to establish an integration between your database and the Experience Manager to build your event products, then you will want to consider which option will be best suited based on the team that you are working with. Although integrations can be established using our API documentation, it will require that you have a designated team member who is familiar with API and coding to ensure that the integration is set up correctly. 

If you do not have a team member who can support the set-up of an API or if you are looking for a custom integration, then EventMobi does offer integration services that you can incorporate into your event package for an additional cost. 

Building Your Own Integration
To establish an integration using a member of your own team, you will want to begin by selecting your Organization name in the top left-hand side of the page to select Integrations from the drop-down menu that appears. 



Here you will have access to generate an API Key that is necessary to establishing the integration between your system and the Experience Manager. This key is specific to the organizer email that you are listing, and will grant full read and write permissions to all of the events listed within your Organization. 


API Key 

This page will also offer our Open API Documentation, which outlines the required steps to establishing the integration for various areas of the Experience Manager.

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Building a new integration? 

We encourage you to refer to our latest API documentation available at for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Should you have any questions related to the API, please feel free to contact us directly at

Integration Services

Integrations can be established by the EventMobi team in the event that you do not have a team member with the skills and knowledge required, or that you are looking to create a custom sync outside of what is outlined in our API documentation. Pricing and timelines for this service can vary depending on the platform and data you are looking to pull, so it is best to reach out to your Account Manager for additional information on this service.