EventMobi Data Processing Addendum

Events offer unique opportunities for people to connect. As a provider of event technology that facilitates these connections, EventMobi is committed to ensuring the safety and security of participants’ Personal Data.

To help demonstrate your compliance with data protection regulations, we are offering customers affected by the GDPR a standard Data Processing Addendum (DPA).

This DPA has been pre-signed on behalf of EventMobi. When we receive the completed and signed DPA as specified below, this DPA will become a legally binding addendum to your existing Service Order and Terms of Service (collectively the “Agreement”).

To make this DPA a part of the Agreement:
1. Download EventMobi’s Data Processing Addendum

2. Complete the information in the signature block of the DPA and have an authorized representative sign on page 5

3. Return the completed DPA to EventMobi via email to your Account Manager.

Are Standard Contractual Clauses Included?

The rules around Data Processing Agreements and use of the EU's Standard Contractual Clauses for international transfers can be confusing.

The Standard Contractual Clauses offer a legal basis for data transfer from the EU to a Non-EU party when other grounds (such as adequate privacy protection) are not available.

As a Canadian company, EventMobi is governed by privacy legislation that the EU has determined provides adequate privacy protection. This is somewhat similar to United States companies that choose to enrol in that country's Privacy Shield framework to gain legal authority to transfer personal data from the EU.

As a Canadian company, EventMobi does not need to rely on the Standard Contractual Clauses for legal transfer of personal data out of the EU. As such we do not include them in our standard Data Processing Agreement.