Check-in Codes - Registration to Event App


The platform will automatically create Unique Identifier (UID) for each attendee once the registration is complete. To see this, go to General > Attendees > Attendee details > Essentials.

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This serves as the attendee’s identification in the system. Once their data is integrated to Experience Manager, their UID will sync over as Check-in Code


This will be used to generate QR code for badges and App Check-in purposes.

Check-in QR Codes or UIDs (unique identifier) can only be used for (Eventmobi App) Check-in purposes. 

How to enable the attendee QR code?

We have an option to turn on attendee QR code, make it visible at the confirmation page and attach it to the confirmation email. We can also customize its description.

To do this, navigate to Contents > Automatic Emails > Activate and display the QR code on the check-out page and automatic email > QR code for external check-in system (using attendee UID).

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Once activated, it will appear on the Confirmation Page. Attendees using an Apple mobile device will have the convenience of adding their QR code directly to their Apple Wallet, ensuring a seamless check-in experience. 

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The QR code will also be attached in the Confirmation Email. 
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