Can People Upload Their Own Documents?

Documents can be uploaded directly to People profiles by your Speakers and/or Attendees using the self-edit link option available in the People library of your Experience Manager. 

Sending Self-Edit Links To People Profiles
After you have added, or imported your People list, you can select the Send Self-Edit Links option located to the top left-hand side of the page. For more information on how to add content to your People library, reference this FAQ article.  

  1. Select the Send Self-Edit Links option to begin customizing your self-edit emails. 
  2. Indicate the intended recipients by selecting All Attendees, Specific People Groups, or Specific Session Roles
  3. Use the checkbox located directly below if you wish to send the self-edit email only to People profiles that have not yet received one (for example, if you are customizing the self-edit email for a separate People Group option). 
  4. Update your Subject and Message as needed. 
  5. Choose the Send Test Email option if you would like to review the email prior to sending it. 
  6. Select the Send Self-Edit Links option in green when you are ready to send out your emails. 


Attaching Documents Through Self-Edit Links 
Once the self-edit links have been sent, your People profiles will have the option to edit their details, and upload documents directly to their profile through the emails that they receive.

  1. Select the Edit Your Profile option from the self-edit email message.
  2. On the page that opens, select the Documents option if you wish to upload files directly to your profile.
  3. Reference the Your Sessions area of the page if you will need to upload documents directly to a session.
  4. Supported files to upload are .DOC, .DOCX, .PPT, .PPTX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PDF, .JPEG, or .PNG file in a size that is under 24 MB.