Can I Share Session Presentations, Posters/Abstracts, And Handouts In The Event Space?

Use the Documents Library

You can upload all of your documents into one central repository, where you can manage and update them.

If you need to organize your documents into various groups to later display them in different Document sections, then we recommend starting off by creating your Groups first. 

Creating and Managing Groups
1. Access the Documents option under Libraries in Experience to enter the Groups area
2. Select Add Document Group
3. Assign a Name and Color to your group before selecting Save. 
4. Use the checkboxes to select multiple groups at once and delete when necessary. 

Adding and Managing Documents

1. Access the Document Library area.
2. Click Add Document and upload up to 150 files at once. 
3. Select Edit inline to update the document name or the document group it is assigned to.
4. Select Download to save the document to your computer.
5. Use the checkboxes to select which documents you would like to delete, when needed.
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Add Things Directly Where You Need Them

If you want to feature files directly on people, session, or company pages, you can just navigate to that page in Experience Manager and upload them directly in place. (If you want to give your users one central spot to access a group of documents, skip ahead to the Document Section below.)

  1. Navigate to the relevant Session, People, or Company profile and click on it to access the Documents area within it. 
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  2. Select Add Document, and select from the Document Library or upload your file. 

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Note: The following document types are supported on the Event Space: Doc, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PDF, JPEG or PNG. Files must also be under 150 MB in size. 

On the Event Space, your documents will be sorted alphabetically. By default, the document you've attached to your session or profile will appear on the Event Space with whatever filename you gave it (including the extension). You can edit the document's name from the Document's library using the Edit option available, and updating the Document Name field. 

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Any document uploaded in place is also stored in the Documents Library. Once you have a document in the Documents Library, you can link to it from any other section that supports document hosting (i.e. a people, company, or session page, or within a Documents section).

Moreover, any changes to a document within the Document Library will take effect in any of the sections to which it's linked. That way, regardless of how many pages feature the document, you have one central place to manage it.

Self-Edit Links

People and companies can also attach documents to their own profiles and linked sessions. Once self-edit links and Company Portal invitations have been sent, the relevant profiles will receive an email that allows them access to update their Personal Information or Company Details, attach Documents, and include External Links.


Self-edit link page 


Company Portal page



Creating Documents Sections

  1. Navigate to the Sections option under the Event Space setting in Experience Manager.
  2. Click Add Section at the top.
  3. Select Documents from the dropdown and name your new section (e.g. Document Library, Resources, Posters, etc.).

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  4. Select whether you want to show all your documents or specific document groups in the section.
  5. Click Add Section at the bottom of the Sections tab.