Attendee Feature Cheat sheet

This article will show you all of the ways to best engage and take advantage of the features in the Attendee Dashboard!

The Attendee Dashboard is a central hub where Attendees can find all of the information that is attached to their profile, where they can update their preferences, and where they can find any content that they have saved as favorites. 

What is the Attendee Dashboard?

The attendee dashboard is a personal dashboard to store all of the attendee's personal favorites, including documents, companies, and where personal preferences can be updated. This dashboard  is a central area that is completely unique to the attendee and their profile.

My Badge 

My BadgeThe My Badge area provides attendees with access to a QR Code that can be scanned onsite to check them into the event and/or into sessions. This badge can be used with the EventMobi Onsite App, if you are using the Check In feature for your onsite event and/or with another scanning solution of your choice. 


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The Agenda area will outline the attendee's personal schedule. The sessions outlined here can be from sessions that they have selected the Add to Schedule option for and/or based on sessions that the event organizer has assigned to them within the Attendees area of the session in the Experience Manager. 

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The Favorites area will outline any Companies, Videos or Documents that the attendee has favorited within the Event Space. Adding to Favorites helps the attendee to easily access profiles and content that they would like to reference again later on. To add to their Favorites, attendees will simply need to select the Add to Favorites or Star options available. 

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The Notes area is where attendees can access any notes that they have saved to Company profiles and/or to Agenda sessions. 

To add a note, the attendee will need to select the Add Your Notes option available. Once a note has been saved it will be made available to view from the Notes area for the attendee to review. The icon located to the right hand side of the note can also be used to visit the profile or session where the note has been saved. 

An Email My Notes button will be available at the top right hand side of the page to allow the attendee to send themselves the notes that they have taken during the event. 


Note: The Notes feature can be disabled from the Event Space within the Settings area of the Experience Manager if needed. 

Message Inbox

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The Message Inbox area of the Attendee Dashboard is where the attendee can start a new chat, or continue an existing chat conversation with another attendee. 

This area will also include any Meeting invitations when applicable. Meetings can be requested using the Schedule a Meeting option within the profile of the person that they would like to meet with. From this area, the attendee will also find an option to Send a Message.

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Edit Profile

Edit Profile

The Edit Profile option in the Attendee Dashboard is where the attendee can review and update the details of their Attendee Profile. From this area the attendee will have the option of doing such things as: 

  • Adding a profile image
  • Updating the default profile fields
  • Viewing and/or editing additional fields that the event organizer has added, including uploading files (if applicable, and depending on the settings of the additional field)


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The Preferences area is where attendees can update the settings for their personal settings for the Event Space, including the following: 

  • If they would like to receive messages and meeting requests
  • If they would like to receive email communications related to messages/meeting requests and/or the event itself
  • If they would like to receive push notifications that the event organizer has sent to the Event Space
  • How they would like to have People lists sorted by First Name or Last Name within the Event Space 
  • Adjusting the Cookie Consent Settings to Accept, Decline, Manage Preferences or to access the Privacy Policy (if enabled)
  • What language they would like the Event Space to display in (if applicable)
  • What timezone they would like the Agenda sessions to display in (if the default Event Timezone is disabled)
  • If they would like to request for their profile to be deleted from the Event Space and the Experience Manager

Note: Profile deletion requests will be displayed from the People library of the Experience Manager, and will need to be actioned by an event organizer. 

Live Attendee Support

If you have arranged to have Live Attendee Support available for your Virtual or Hybrid event, then an additional icon will be displayed for your attendees at the top right hand side of the Event Space. 

Using the icon, attendees can get in contact with the EventMobi Support team to address any questions that they have related to using the Event Space. 

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