Adding Pronouns to People Profiles

The People profile offers a field specifically dedicated to establishing the preferred pronouns that each person would like to be addressed in. 

Adding Pronouns from the Experience Manager

If you are already familiar with the pronouns that will apply  to each person you are adding to the People library, then you can choose to add in this information while creating profiles from the Experience Manager. 

When adding profiles one by one, you will notice a field labelled as Pronouns listed below the First Name and Last Name fields. 


Alternatively, you can include this information when creating profiles using the People Excel Template offered. 

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Adding Pronouns from the Event App

Attendees will have the opportunity to set their preferred pronouns to their personal profile when updating it from the Event App as well. 

From the Attendee Dashboard, located in the upper right menu of the Event App, attendees will have access to an Edit Profile option which will offer them a Pronoun field that can be updated as needed. 

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